Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Goodbye Cambodia, we are at the Seoul,Korea Airport

We tried to post last night while we were at the Siem Reap Airport but connections were not the greatest so our blog just disappeared. Well we have 3 hours before boarding for Chicago! We both feel refreshed we slept probably 2-3 hours on the flight from Siem Reap, and now just showered so that helps a ton before we face the 14 hour flight across the tundra!!

Well, our month in Cambodia is over and history, but the memories will last forever! We could never sum it up in a few words... but this would be the best summary "God is at work in Cambodia!" we praise His name for all the dedicated people at YWAM in Battambang, for their hearts for God and the people of Cambodia! We thank the YWAM people for their amazing hospitality, their friendship, their fellowship, their dedication! We were blessed with continuing old friendships and making many new friends from all over the world.

The people of Cambodia stole our hearts, especially the children! I believe one of the hardest goodbye's was at the Slum Village, praying at the entrance as we left the tears flowed. We praise God for the many dedicated people who serve there continually, Laura, Emmanuel, Therea from Jeevit's House; Channouen , Kovonne and Chhea with the Village Church. Thank you so much for touching the lives of those whose need is great! Our greatest need whether rich or poor is knowing the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour! No need is greater than that and your status makes absolutely no difference, nor does your past, it is level at the cross. "For by grace are you saved, thru faith that not of yourselves it is the free gift of Jesus Christ"

The young people of Cambodia also stole our hearts, the new christians with their fervor and dedication to serving their Lord and Savior puts those of us who have known HIM all our lives to shame! They trust in HIM for everything, everything! some are orphans, some who choose Jesus; deal with family rejection as the rest of the family worships Budda, but many are from families who barely have enough to survive on their these Cambodian young people who want to serve Jesus have no support, so we who have so much need to help carry the load! If you have questions on that let us know as we will gladly elaborate!

We bid goodbye most of the day, packing didn't take too long! Then at 5pm we loaded into the taxi for a quick trip to Siem Reap, he did get us there safely for that we are thankful!

Thank you for your prayers for us while we are on our journey, they are much appreciated! You may now pray for extra room on the flight so we can stretch out a bit, kinda seems crazy but oh, it would be a huge blessing!!!!!

Ed and Mary

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