Monday, February 4, 2013

An Eventful Week

As I said an eventful week! But an excellent blest week!

We started it with attending a different church one down the road from us, meets in a home that 3 families live in, so it does have a large living room, but they FILL it! It is a combination English and Khmer, mostly Khmer but there is translation, so that is wonderful! The service itself was wonderful great testimonies of what the Lord has manifested in lives, and the sermon a great challenge for all.

After the service we visited with a young Khmer woman a new christian who knows a fair amount of english ( thus we could actually have a conversation), she shared how her husband is not a christian, we prayed with her and shared with her, she said this past week she had prayed for someone to encourage her...God doing his mighty works in and thru us, being an answer to prayer is very say the least.

The week started with English classes and then we had Loren Cunningham founder of YWAM come to the base to speak to the Battambang Base Staff, students, outreach teams and local Christians. We filled the building with praise and speaking, it was awesome! Loren is a man who had a vision from God of thousands of youth going into all the world - and he acted on it! God blessed the work and now there are YWAM Bases in 182 countries. God working thru youth! amazing, and seeing and working with these young servants of Christ, it is our privilege and honor!

Well we finished up the week moving to our new home for the next two months, we aren't quite settled yet but maybe when we get home today that will happen, the hosts of our last home are coming back to  Cambodia so we cleared out of their home, have to shine it yet but while the dust is blowing no sense hurrying to get that done, as I would just need to do that over again :)

Yesterday we did take off on a bit of an adventure with Irv, Val, Rina, Caleb, Ed and I stopped at a place they make rice paper, another place they make sticky rice. Then on to a memorial made at one of the many killing fields, wow that is unbelievably sad, the location they put the memorial on was a pond they just dumped people in after torturing them to death in one form or another all totally horrible, they dug up bones and many of those are on display behind glass.

And as you can tell we have started another week, Monday morning is Base worship always an amazing way to get the week started! Stuart shared about HELL, as he said not the best tool for witnessing but sometimes God does prod us to tell this part to wake people up! But mostly it is for each christian to ponder and realize this is where all those people who do not know about Jesus are going if we don't let our light shine in this world! If we do not go and tell the good news that Jesus died for our sins and theirs because God loved us so much! Matthew 25:31-36 and verse 41 well read the entire passage 31-41 and you get the idea, ponder - what are we to be doing in this world?

Then we went with Irvin and Val VanWyk to Jeevit's House to join in on Kings Kids always a total joy! and get our work list! A fabulous place to bless in our spare time!

Ok I forgot to download the pictures to our laptop so no pictures this week you will have to look on Facebook at our site to see pictures or be one of our daughters who we just emailed a bunch of pictures to, hey they are special, I can say that!

Oh Ed had his first bike accident but it was on the driveway at Jeevit's House so, fortunately not in traffic just avoided hitting a small child, and he took the roll (on cement) but is still going strong!!!

Blessings to each and everyone of you! please read the 25th chapter in Matthew and ask God, God what do you want ME to do, this is HIS desire! He made each of us for His honor and glory, HE desires us to have a relationship with HIM and HE made each of us for a purpose, each of you have gifts HE gave you!

Your friends in Christ, Ed and Mary Rozenboom

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