Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday! Yikes our last Friday in Cambodia for a while!

The day started with a trip to the base to acquire some tools, and then on to Jeevit's House to secure the roof boards that Bill and Brian so ably put up. But the hot sun was starting to warp the boards so we had gotten some screws that would scinch them securely! Mark sent over a tuk tuk with his ladder and drill, thanks Mark! And thank goodness Emmanuel or should I call him a Monkey? He navigates up and on there like he is a monkey compared to the agility of our 60+ years so thank you Emmanuel for the great help this morning!! He did have to leave and we did get the job done both sides even the middle rafter is now attached - thought you would like to know Bill and Brian!!

While there I was able to wash the last load of laundry, which come to think of it is still on Laura's line! That will be a tomorrow thing!

After mission accomplished at Jeevit's House, we hauled the tools from Base back, had lunch at Base, then Rina met us to go to the Book Store. When she got there she said are you going to bike all the way there? Ok that should have been a clue, but no, we said we will be fine! Yeh, it was a long bike ride, but we made it again! Found the desired books; it makes me sad that children have no books to read so, we bought some books for a couple children 10 and 14 year olds,  hope they enjoy them, and tape for Laura. Then you guessed it we had to go back, yup same distance back! I wish our bikes had mile markers on them or maybe I don't want to know that it really wasn't as far as I thought...

But we did stop for something cool to drink at Cafe Eden, a great resting spot, then on to the market to find a french press of sorts, we are missing our morning coffee and Rina is a great dealer we tend to just pay the price, not Rina she bargins!! big time!  Then Rina had to be at base to help with the Youth Center,    so we continued our shopping on our own, needed more cereal, yogurt, milk and ok so we picked up banana chips too!! they are so good!

Back to our Hotel, cool off and cut crafts! then we walked to Secret Cafe for a great evening meal, where the meal cost 1.60 and the soft drink 2.00. go figure! We both had a delicious Khmer noodle and pork dish, the flavors were fabulous!

Walked back sat outside by the pool a while but the bugs were bothering me, Ed never notices them but I have had enough bites already, need not invite more! So I came up to the room to blog and relax. might even cut our some more parachuters (crafts).

Another great day, Lord thank you for keeping us safe in our travels, for guiding our feet, hands, and hearts! Tomorrow another full day, but it is Saturday so that is the day the base staff has off! We can find our own food and plan to take some kids out for meals, so many here live on so little, it isn't hard to find ways to make them smile and add a little blessing into their lives!

Thank you again Lord, for we have sooooo much, we do not deserve!
Be blest and check out Cy's blog to see a bit more of what we see and do here especially while the team was here with us! @

Good night and God bless,
Mary and Ed

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