Thursday, January 26, 2012

Perfect Thursday!!

Thursday, a most wonderful day, for starters it only got to 84 degrees so it was a lovely temperature, even for biking! After our morning cereal, we biked over to Jeevit's House to play with children from 9-11, we did puzzles, played "Match" a few times, jacks with rocks all rocks, swinging kids on the playground! Learning Khmer and having a total blast with that, we had four girls I would guess to be twelvish they were playing jacks with rocks, they invited us to join in then began the Khmer lessons, much laughter as I don't think we did so good, but oh the joy of laughter!!  We also shared English with them, they were trying to teach us "I love you" in Khmer and we taught them English. The precious moment was when the one little girl left and she said "I love you, Mary" talk about melting your heart, you get the picture! Mine melted!!

We then went to SBS looking for Ed's sandals, ok before you go into any house you take off your sandals, so yesterday when we went to SBS our sandals joined the many already on the steps. When we left for lunch he took a pair, but this morning when he was putting his sandals on in the room to leave, he said these aren't mine! So back to SBS, but his sandals were not there, so Erin wrote a note on the Erase board that Ed had the wrong sandals and if someone had his to contact him!

Then on to Mark and Ashley's to take our laundry off the line, and Ashley blessed us with cold latte's, thanks again Ashley that was the perfect treat today. While we were there another herd of cattle walked by so I got some great pics, but Tre said "Mommy why does she take pictures of the cows?" Ashley explained that I do not normally see that where I live. So sweet for him, big deal!

Then on to base for lunch which we shared with Erin, Rina, Johnny and Meling, it was delicious today, I love it when there is pineapple in the soup! So great!!

After lunch we were blessed with Rachel sharing her story with us, love you Rachel you are one amazing woman, we first met Rachel King at Molly and Kellee's wedding then here she shows up at Laura's last Friday, we both looked at each other like we know you from somewhere! So good to get to know you better, love you Rachel you are incredible!

Back to the Hotel, and disposing of old meds, job done!! then back to Mark and Ashley's great fellowship always is getting to know these incredible YWAMers, they are the most giving people I have ever met! Praise God for his work thru these people who have given their lives in service to HIM!
Mark and Ashley your hospitality is fabulous and your dedication to your students, amazing, we Praise God for your willingness to serve! And your wisdom in understanding boundaries!!

Then back to our room to cut our more crafts! Getting there!! Get more printed Laura we just might get bored when these are done! Time to get ready for our special evening out!

Oh I  almost forgot when we got to Base 1 to pick up Rina for the evening, Pok came to show he had Ed's sandals so the lost is now located but Ed did not have Pok's on so they will switch tomorrow! Kinda cute the look on Pok's face when he saw Ed's we call Jesus Sandals instead of flip flops, we call them Jesus sandals, how do we know what Jesus sandals even looked like they could have been flip flops for all we know! Ok That was random!

Laura set up our evening with Rothana and her brother, we are blessed to sponsor Rothana, anyone desiring to help these kids whose families are effected by HIV/Aids we can get you the details! it is only 35.00 a month to meet most of their needs for school and food! If you can bless someone you will be the most blessed, especially if you get to come meet them!! YEH!! Any way, we took Rothana and her brother out to supper, with Rina as a translator, it was so fantastic!!! We got to know here a bit better and we could share a bit of who we are with her, I even had pics on the camera to show Ed combining corn and soybeans, I had some videos of that! Told them about tapping syrup from maple trees, they told us about school and loving to read but not having time to go to the library and the library is not open in the summer. So no they do not have books to read, guess we are heading to a book store tomorrow! A child must have books to read! Right??

Ok so can you see why I said it was an awesome day! Really, awesome, then we got to skype the birthday boy, ok a day late but he was still up before his morning nap when we contacted Jen for us tonight so he jabbered away, called us "baka-baka" love it!

Ok so it is only 9pm, but it is time to say good night! and GOD BLESS!
Singing praises for the blessings of another day in Cambodia! Thank you Jesus for this most awesome opportunity you have blessed us with, your precious name be praised! For you alone are worthy!
In His name alone!
Humbly, Ed and Mary

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